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Uganda Red Cross society rallies the general public to protect and prevent misuse of the ‘Red Cross Emblem’

#RedCrossEmblemUG Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) in partnership with NTV Uganda has since February 2023 been running a digital campaign aimed at sensitizing the general public on safeguarding and prevention

Uganda Red Cross Opens State-of-the-art First Aid Training School

In line with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2006, Uganda Red Cross Society has set up a state-of-the-art First Aid Training school to give more members of the general

Safe Steps Road Safety Campaign Climaxes on a Success: Over 4,000 boda-boda riders trained in road safety and first aid

The SAFE STEPS road safety Phase I campaign by Prudential Uganda and implemented by Uganda Red Cross Society was successfully concluded on 10th March 2023 having trained over four thousand

Menstrual Hygiene Management Boosted among 150 Girls in Nakivale Refugee Settlement

Uganda Red Cross Society in partnership with European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (EU-ECHO), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – IFRC, Netherlands Red Cross, and

Flood affected families in Bukedea District receive cash assistance

In July and August 2022, Kamutur sub-county Bukedea district was hit with floods after River Atari burst its banks and displaced more than 1,000 people, washed away 344 pit latrines

Belgium Head of Humanitarian Aid visits Humanitarian Protection – 1 project implementing areas in Uganda

The Head of the Humanitarian Aid Unit at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belgium, Laura Cogels visited the Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) – Humanitarian Protection 1 (HP1) project implementing areas

Uganda Red Cross Society continues to partner with Buganda Kingdom to mobilize blood donors

Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) in partnership with Buganda Kingdom and Uganda Blood Transfusion Services (UBTS) on 5th January 2023 launched a blood donation drive for Kyadondo county with an

URCS joins partners to commemorate world refugee day

On the 20th of June 2023, Uganda Red Cross Society joined the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Government of Uganda and other partners at Palabek Refugee settlement –

Menstral Hygiene kits restore dignity and empower girls and women in Bidibidi refugee settlement

In an effort to restore dignity and empower the girls and women in Bidibidi refugee settlement, Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) through the Bimysawa and Humanitarian Protection 1 projects have

Agnes Anguparu, a champion of Hygiene promotion in Imvepi refugee settlement.

Anguparu, 33, is a Red Cross volunteer and leads a team of 10 at the faecal sludge treatment plant in Imvepi refugee settlement. Alongside her team mates, she carries out