This unit works with all stakeholders towards Prepositioning of Response Kits, Disaster Risk Management Standard Operating Procedures, Early Action Protocols (EAPs), Migration and Population Movement, Linkages to Pandemic Preparedness and Response, Disaster Medicine, Institutional Disaster Data Programme processes at local and national level, Safer Access, Community Engagement & Accountability, Security and Radio Communications System.
In liaison with Office of Human Resources, Youth and Volunteer Offices, the EPR Unit fast-tracks the database of National Disaster Preparedness and Response Teams. This Unit also includes specialised innovations such as Contingency Planning Trainer of Trainers (ToTs), Cash Programming, and First Aid for First Responders.
Uganda Red Cross Society is a membership humanitarian organization incorporated in 1964, by an enactment of the Red Cross Act, Cap 57 of the laws of Uganda. URCS became a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in 1965.
First Aid Trainings & Commercial ambulances,
Call: +256 760 588 189